Emotional First Aid Kit

We all have our dull days. It could be an unpleasant situation or even just no reason in particular. Point is, we need to remedy this mood. Here's my emotional first aid kit. You're welcome to borrow any item that may be of help to you.1. Prep for a Good night's sleep
  • Take a shower/bath. The lovely scent of soap and luxurious lather of shampoo is bound to relax you. Find your most comfortable clothes to wear.
  • Prep your environment. Ensure that its clean and adjusted to your liking. Keep everything close by before you climb into bed so that you have easy access without having to get up. (You get to be lazy after a long, hard day!)
  •  Think of a movie you can watch repeatedly or a book you love reading time and again. Some light hearted entertainment is required. My personal favourites are:
A. Harry Potter series: (The books, movies or audiobooks) There are seven options to choose from!B. Narnia-The lion, The witch and The wardrobe: The scene where Lucy discovers the wardrobe still captivates me.C. Ice Age: The adventure of a goofy sloth, a sarcastic mammoth and a shady lion. A childhood classic.
  • Nothing soothes the nerves more than a nice cup of tea. There's endless options too. For instance, add some mint leaves to hot water, leave it for a couple of minutes, strain and you have a refreshing blend. A warm drink will keep you company whilst you read/watch your movie.
  • Now you can drift off to a good sleep.
2. Music Therapy
  • Having a relaxing playlist is very helpful. If you don't have one, create it. Add in your favourite instrumental pieces, some sounds of nature from youtube etc. 
  • Alternatively, just rock out to upbeat tracks of your choice. 
  • Songs are like time machines. Listening to one can transport you to that very point in life when you first discovered it. So do some mental searching to find those songs that bring back jolly memories.
3. Happy Hobbies:Dust off an old hobby and spend some time with it. It could be painting, dancing, cooking, playing an instrument or even something as unconventional as collecting sea shells. Revisiting these interests will boost your creativity and bring you back in tune with yourself.4. Phone a Friend: Your chances of answering Amitabh's question correctly might increase! Jokes aside, we are lucky enough to be blessed with a magical being called 'best friend'. A talk with them is a guaranteed way to feel better. They know just what to say and discussing  your inside jokes will give you two a good laugh. It's a win-win!5. Tech Detox: Too many bright screens and constant buzzing of phones induces a headache. So keep your devices locked away for some time. Once the restlessness settles, a calm will wash over you.6. Knowing is Key: Know that this time will pass and that happiness will always be there to greet you whenever you want it to. Overall, it's about engaging yourself with good things. Building a safe space for yourself will allow you to come out of a dark frame of mind. Keep your mind active and drive your energy towards doing constructive things. When you do something you love and enjoy, your thoughts will fall into the right place. And things will align themselves for you when you are in a good head space. Moreover, you deserve to feel happy and have a good time. This list is simply something that works for me. You can go ahead and tweak it to make it more adaptable for you. So the next time you feel the blues, your own kit will come in handy.


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