A Medieval Melody

You can play this song as you read the story if you like. I find that the feel of the music ties in well with the words.

The church bell boomed ominously through the Scottish town. Olivia walked towards the large structure of stone. It was emitting nostalgia as if still bound in the medieval era it was built in.
Stepping inside, her visual field switched from a dull graveyard to a ghostly cathedral similar to slides transitioning in a power point presentation.
The high ceilings made her perspective spin. She raised her eyebrows to take in the pictorial stories captured by the glass windows. Endless rows of chocolate brown seats ran along either side of the wine shaded carpet.
It was eerie to be alone in here. Olivia felt as though she was simultaneously alone and surrounded by invisible people.
She could sense the history within the walls. And she could tell something was about to happen.
Her prediction took a physical form when the ceiling began to quiver. The dome started to peel away in sections resembling petals.

The pictures on the stained windows came to life and soared towards the open sky. Using it as a stage, the translucent depictions began to tell their tale.

"You have opened up a portal my dear,
 A glimpse into the past is where you head"
The sacred stories of the Bible unfolded
And God's love for her was clear

"Thank you for the saorsa,
which is freedom in the Gaelic language"
For the pictures stayed in the windows' cage
And relished releasing their stories of charisma

Music credits to Adrian Von Ziegler. I write my posts with his songs playing in the background!


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