Quirky Colours

 What is one of the aspects that makes the world around us fascinating? People. Every single person is so special. Everybody has their own uniqueness to offer. It is this very originality that makes us such intriguing beings.

Just like an artist’s palette, every colour is needed, each shade proving its own importance. Can you imagine painting a morning sky with no blue hues? Or a solitary road with no black? 

This individuality can be held back when we depend on what others have to say. So, step number one to avoid this is being fiercely independent of the good or bad opinions of others.  
It honestly doesn’t matter what others think. Nobody else has the power to affect your emotions. It’s you who allows others’ crippling words to hurt you and gains temporary confidence from someone’s sweet ones. 
Being a fellow human being, I understand that it can be tough to discard what people say about you. It took me about 2 months just to soak up this idea. But through consistent practise, it has been life changing in the most liberating way.  
Throughout your day, keep reminding yourself of the sheer silliness in being afraid of getting judged. “so what?”, say to yourself and shrug it off when you receive a frown from some stranger because you burst into your favourite song in the middle of the street. 
As long as you aren’t harming anyone, do what you feel like. We’re all a little weird, right? There is no reason to hide it because there is so much beauty in our own little quirks. So laugh loudly no matter how obnoxious it sounds, dance your heart out at the grocery store, wear that odd combination of clothes you like even if your friend finds it hideous. Give your ideas a chance no matter how cuckoo they may sound at first.  
Similarly, avoid seeking validation from others. Compliments can be quicksand. Dependency on external appreciation can manifest so easily. Solution is to derive your self-esteem from within because that is when it is in its true form. When you walk by a mirror, wink at the reflection and enlist everything that you love about yourself.   
People encouraging each other and highlighting the positives is a wonderful thing. So it’s alright to feel good when people have nice things to say about you. The trick is to not get attached to those praises because the joy we feel on receiving one is fragile. It’s the powerful thought of self-love that has far more lasting effects. 
Loving ourselves will emerge easily when we eliminate the focus on outer criticisms and compliments. It can be a gradual process given we’ve been carved in a way where we do care. Just maintain the mindset of being unapologetically yourself . 
Moreover, following this will magnetize our attention towards our own self. Collectively doing so will result in lesser judgement of each other as well. Bonus point. 
It is surprising how drastically your life can change for the better once you’ve freed yourself from society’s chains. It allows you to be your authentic self-more. 
Picture this place. No judgements exist. People do what their heart desires and let others do the same within the limits of not hurting each other in any way. Imagine the bursts of creativity among them because they wouldn’t be bound by the fear of coming across as strange. Things would be vibrant and harmonious. It could exist. And the contribution of your colour is needed in painting such a world. 


  1. Writing is profound and mature yet presented in a lucid style. Way to go... kudos!


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